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Friary Lockdown Videos Help Charity's 'Christmas in July' Party Go With a Swing

A charity’s plea for music videos recorded in lockdown to be part of their ‘Christmas in July’ virtual party prompted Friary’s Public Relations Officer to send them the YouTube link to the Band’s recording of ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’. The video went down so well at Crowthorne-based Sebastian’s Action Trust – a charity supporting the families of seriously ill children – that the Band’s second lockdown video quickly followed, just in time for the party.

Friary’s PR Officer Tim Straker takes up the story: ‘I was glancing thr

ough our local paper and happened to spot the request for music videos suitable for the party so thought it was worth sending through the link. I was delighted when the Trust’s Events Co-ordinator Amy Samuel said it was just the kind of thing they were looking for, and then later asked for ‘Your Song’ as well.’

‘The video recordings really helped our party go with a swing,’ said Amy. ‘The children and their families whom we support wouldn’t have had such a great time without the music, and we hope to be able to work with the Friary Brass Band again.’

For a glimpse of the party, including some of Friary’s contribution, please visit and for further information about Sebastian’s Action Trust go to

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